Our Catalog
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ErosIon, by Nancy A. Henry

Language as a Second Language, by Ted Bookey

Be Careful What You Wish For, by Alice N. Persons

Driftland, by Michael Macklin

Whispers, Cries, & Tantrums, by Jay C. Davis

Never say Never, by Alice N. Persons

Sex, Death, and Baseball, by David Moreau

Humming to Snails, by Ellen M. Taylor

The Flame and the Fiction, by Darcy Shargo

Europe on $5 a Day, by Nancy A. Henry

Laundry and Stories, by Robin Merrill

A Sense of Place: Collected Maine Poems, by Bay River Press

Walking Track, by Jay Franzel

Ways of Looking, by Edward J. Rielly

Things As They Are, by Eva Miodownik Oppenheim

A Moxie and a Moon Pie: The Best of Moon Pie Press, by Nancy A. Henry and Alice N. Persons, Editors

Traveling Through History, by Patrick Hicks

Unidentified Flying Odes, by Dennis Camire

Innumerable Machines in My Mind: Found Poetry in the Papers of Thomas A. Edison, by Dr. Blaine McCormick

Evidence of Light, by Marita O'Neill

Rags of Prayer, by Kevin Sweeney

The Stream, by Don Moyer

Child is Working to Capacity, by Tom Delmore

The Desire Line, by Michelle Lewis

Tuscany Light, by M. Kelly Lombardi

The Hard Way, by Jay C. Davis

Angel of the Heavenly Tailgate, by Annie Farnsworth

Full Moon Rising: the Best of Moon Pie Press, Volume II, by Alice N. Persons and Nancy A. Henry, Editors

Poems of Maine in the Nineteen Thirties and Forties, by Brenda Shaw

Sostenuto, by Karen Douglass

Essays in All Directions, by Robert M. Chute

You Can Still Go To Hell...and Other Truths About Being a Helping Professional, by David Moreau

Singing With the Dead, by Ted Thomas, Jr.

Socks, by Jay C. Davis

Early Late Bloom, by Jim Mello

Old Whitman Loved Baseball and Other Baseball Poems, by Edward J. Rielly

He Gives Me Flowers, by Gaylord Day Weston

The Church of St. Materiana, by Anne Britting Olesen

Lostalgia, by Ted Bookey

Life Class, by Ruth Bookey

To the Promised Land Grocery, by Bruce Spang

Drowning: A Poetic Memoir, by Claire Hersom

How Many Cars Have We Been Married?, by Ted Bookey, editor

Safe Harbor: Port Veritas Poetry Anthology, Volume I, by Edited by Alice Persons & Nathan Amadon

Agreeable Friends, Contemporary Animal Poetry, by Alice Persons, Editor

The Ur-Word, by Jim Glenn Thatcher

Ordinary Time, by Kevin Sweeney

I Have Walked Through Many Lives, by Young Voices - Scarborough

A House of Bottles, by Robin Merrill

Floating, by Ellen M. Taylor

Vivaldi for Breakfast, by John-Michael Albert


The Lawns of Lobstermen, by Douglas "Woody" Woodsum

With a W/Hole in One, by Ted Bookey

What on Earth, by Marcia F. Brown

Blues in the Night, by Herb R. Coursen

Through the Loop of Time, by Eva Miodownik Oppenheim

SARX, by Nancy A. Henry

ALMOST A REMEMBRANCE - Shorter Poems by Jack McCarthy, by Jack McCarthy

Thank Your Lucky Stars, by Alice N. Persons

To Sadie at 18 Months and other poems, by Edward J. Rielly

Faulty Wiring, by Bob MacLaughlin

Heaven Jumping Woman, by Pam Burr Smith

Tell them that you saw me but you didn't see me saw, by Tom Delmore

The Bird Catcher, by John-Michael Albert

The Common Law, by James McKenna

Marengo Street, by Anna Bat-Chai Wrobel

PASSION AND PRIDE: Poets in Support of Equality, by Bruce Spang

HOME and Other Places, by Wil Gibson

Sun Shining on Snow: Poetry from the Senior College at the University of Maine at Augusta, by Ted Bookey

My First Beatrice, by David Stankiewicz

Rifles, Rumors, Gin And Prayer, by Jim Donnelly

Observed From a Skin Boat, by John Holt Willey

Back East, by Michele Leavitt

The Widow From Lake Bled, by Kirby Wright

Burning Chairs, by John P. McVeigh

Boy at the Screen Door, by Bruce Spang

JESUS WAS A FEMINIST and Other Poems, by Robin Merrill

When We Invented Water, by Marcia F. Brown

Boulders, Birch and Wood Smoke: A Maine Melody, by Stephen A. Cowperthwaite

Nothing Is Real, by Stanley Jordan Keach, Jr.

All Four Seasons, by Jim Mello

Feasting on Air, by Eva Miodownik Oppenheim

Stable, by David R. Surette

Compass Rose, by Ellen M. Taylor

THE WILDEST PEAL: Contemporary Animal Poetry II, by Alice Persons, Editor

Not Just Anybody, by Bruce Spang

The Left Side of My Life , by Dana Robbins

Fancy Meeting You Here, by Alice N. Persons

Same Bird, by David McCann

Museum, by Daniel Duff Plunkett

Imminent Tribulations, by Kevin Sweeney

Radost, My Red, by Jeri Theriault

T'ai Chi of Leaves, by Elizabeth Potter

Saving Nails, by Thomas R. Moore

At Bunker Cove, by Ralph Stevens

I Still Feel the Swirl, by Ruth Bookey

Dreamscape, by Claire Hersom

That Mischievous Moon, by Jim Donnelly

Sending Bette Davis to the Plumber, by Jenny Doughty

'Stitiously Speaking, by Ted Bookey

MALDEN, by David R. Surette

Questions You Were Too Polite to Ask, by John-Michael Albert

LOST and FOUND, by David McCann

The Arrangement of Things, by Anna Bat-Chai Wrobel

Big Little City, by Mike Bove

Be There or Be Square, by Alice N. Persons

Red Stone Fragments, by Thomas R. Moore

Hummingbird, by James Breslin

All You'll Derive: A Caregiver's Journey, by Bruce Spang

Nameless Roads, by Jim Brosnan

One Day in One Town, by James McKenna

Out of Words, by David McCann

In the Afternoon, by Marcia F. Brown

After the Parade, by Dana Robbins

A Stranger Home, by Natalya Sukhonos

House Museum, by Mike Bove

Giving It Up to the Wind, by Jack Troy

More Fun Than Pretty, by Tony Magistrale

Stones, by Thomas R. Moore

Playing Solitaire, by Edward J. Rielly

So Far, by Gretchen Berg

Homelands, by Ellen M. Taylor

Frida's Boots, by Dana Robbins

Tangled, by Antonia Lewandowski

Tonic, by David R. Surette

People, Places, Poems, by David McCann

Read To Me Some Poem, by Maryli Tiemann and Alice Persons, Editors
Read a sample
Reviews for Never say Never
by Jennifer Matthews / Ibbetson Update
"Never Say Never" is an achievement that carries the reader through a window-eye into roomfuls of lilacs, mud and onyx...then to portraits of moments freeze-framed by the art of lyrical perception. In her poem titled: "Letter Perfect," Alice Persons delivers a perfect litany to the world of "O." Very clever.
Ms. Persons is an enjoyable poet to read. She writes owl sharp cantatas of life's snapshots captured in beautiful well-crafted collages of words.
Not pretentious, but real...something to soak your feet into while gazing inward...her chapbook displays moments of contemplation that lingers in your thoughts, well after you have read her and digested.
Jennifer Matthews / Ibbetson Update / http://www.jennifermatthews.com Jennifer Matthews is a vocalist and poet and the author of the poetry collection "Fairytales and Misdemeanors." (Ibbetson 2003)
by Baron Wormser, Poet Laureate of Maine
The poetry of Alice Persons is deeply alert to the mundane moments of living on earth, moments that in the hands of a poet aren't mundane at all. Alice Persons is very much such a poet as she deftly fashions scenes and perceptions that register genuine intensities and then lets go. Her sense of how a poem can do its work quietly yet passionately is a delight.
Sample from Never say Never
To My Cat With An Eating Disorder
You were thrown out of a moving vehicle on a dirt road in chilly winter downeast Maine, little fur scrap, and I hope you don't carry that memory with you, but the hunger, the deep fear that you'll never see food again is still there five years later when you are huge and sleek, a sumo Buddha of a cat.
I've seen you, after a big meal, heave yourself from a sound sleep, pad into the kitchen, launch your bulk onto the counter, and check the food supply, then crouch there chewing and chewing, green eyes empty, concentrating on your burden, your compulsion, doggedly eating, whether you want to or not.
There are stories about Holocaust or Depression survivors whose refrigerators and pantries are always full, just in case, how some of them still wake in the night and check their abundant supplies, run their hands over the packages, or eat without hunger, just because they can.
Cat, I stand in the dark kitchen stroking your broad back, wishing I could banish the fears of one small, common creature, those bad dreams that awaken you, that hollow place in your memory which can never be filled.